Back in 2008 I began this Blog to do a photograph documentary of the development of 53 ares of land in north Union twp. This was once a farm when I first moved into this area.

I asked the Director of Clermont county parks if this would be okay. Jim welcomed the idea so here are some of the pictures taken before and during the area we now know as Shor Park.
I also like to call it Tealtown Nature Preserve.

I was able to walk around quite a bit of the park on several week ends either by myself or with my son Max. I wish I could have taken a ladder with me. Would have made for some much nicer landscapes.

I have quite a few more pictures of Shor Park. I wanted to post as many as possible in honor of Mrs Shor who donated the land with special conditions of limited development. She and her husband loved nature and wanted this land to stay as natural to nature for kids and families to enjoy.
A Clermont County Park that allows kids to explore nature in a natural way. Not a simulated play area. A real place to get back with nature. Get a little muddy and walk the trails and enjoy the fields and woodlands off Tealtown road. It is called Shor park, Tealtown Nature Preserve.